Tugu sebagai maskot Kota Tangerang Ya, saya hidup di Tatar Pasundan, Propinsi Banten. Tepatnya di pinggiran kota satelit Tangerang,...
Pagi yang ga macet -catat, penting!- aku sudah tiba di Artotel Sarinah Thamrin, facade Artotel yang unik, seolah seperti memasuki seb...
Once upon a time,  there was a beautiful girl named Cintalara. She lived in the middle of the town in Indonesia, named Neverthere Ci...
“Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben. (The most dangerous worldview is the w...
Author: Luigi Versaggi. Kazan, capital of Rebublic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation. Sudah lama ingin menulis tentang hal ini. Namun, ...
Gambar dari ESQ Smart Plus "We were born original. We don't grow as a copy,"  - Deddy Corbuzier-
Aneka jenis beras Indonesia, sumber : wipedia Berbekal uji nyali,  -I'm in the middle of my mayo diet- , aku menerima undanga...